Clash of kings bot deutsch
Clash of kings bot deutsch

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The recruits are attacked by Lannister forces, and the survivors are taken to the gigantic castle of Harrenhal, which is controlled by Joffrey's grandfather Tywin Lannister. However, the Bolton soldiers turn against the Stark and Greyjoy forces alike, burn Winterfell, slaughter its inhabitants, and take Theon prisoner.Ĭatelyn's daughter Arya is taken north posing as a new recruit for the Night's Watch. Stark supporters besiege the castle, including a force from the Starks' sometime ally House Bolton. When Bran and Rickon escape, Theon fakes their deaths. Theon betrays Robb and attacks Winterfell, taking the castle and capturing Bran and his younger brother Rickon. Against Catelyn's advice, Robb sends his friend Theon Greyjoy, Balon Greyjoy's son, to negotiate an alliance between the North and the Iron Islands. Robb wins several victories against the Lannisters while his younger brother Bran rules the Northern stronghold of Winterfell in his absence. Riots break out in the city due to Joffrey's cruelty and food shortages caused by the ongoing war. Catelyn's daughter Sansa, a hostage of the Lannisters, is regularly abused by Joffrey. Learning of Renly's death, Tyrion sends the crown's treasurer Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish to win the Tyrells' support for Joffrey. Tyrion improves the defenses of the city while jockeying for power against Joffrey's mother, the Queen Regent Cersei. Tyrion Lannister, Joffrey's uncle, arrives at the capital city of King's Landing as acting Hand of the King, the senior adviser to Joffrey's reign. Melisandre uses magic to send a shadow to assassinate Renly after witnessing Renly's death, Catelyn and Renly's bodyguard Brienne of Tarth flee the scene. Robb's mother Catelyn Stark meets with Renly and Stannis to discuss an alliance against Joffrey's family, the Lannisters, but she is unable to reach an agreement with them. Renly is supported by the wealthy Lord Mace Tyrell, and has married Mace's daughter Margaery. He is supported by Melisandre, a foreign priestess who believes Stannis a prophesied messianic figure. Stannis Baratheon, publicizing the claim that Joffrey is a bastard, claims the throne as Robert's eldest brother and therefore heir. The war among these contenders is dubbed the War of the Five Kings.

clash of kings bot deutsch

Two regions attempt to secede from the realm: Robb Stark is declared "King in the North" while Balon Greyjoy declares himself king of the Iron Islands. However, his reign is far from stable, as both of Robert's brothers, Renly and Stannis, have claimed the throne as well.

clash of kings bot deutsch

With King Robert Baratheon dead, his purported son Joffrey sits on the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen continues her plan to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. A Clash of Kings depicts the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros in civil war, while the Night's Watch mounts a reconnaissance to investigate the mysterious people known as wildlings.

Clash of kings bot deutsch